Saturday, February 4, 2017

Wikipedia Trail: From Cyclops to Homeric Questions

Since I just finished reading Homer’s Odyssey, I decided to start my search with cyclops. I learned some information such as cyclops actually means “round-eyed”. The page does mention that Homer’s cyclops in the Odyssey may actually not have been a single eyed giant but instead he had two eyes. Since I actually read Homer’s Odyssey, I ended up selecting Polyphemus as my next Wikipedia page. Polyphemus. He is an interesting character that is a giant cyclops and also the son of Poseidon. I wanted to learn more about his character and his origin. Reading about him, I got more interested in Homer himself as an author. I find it interesting that his life was filled with such ambiguity. No one really knows who he was because there are rumored stories about him. Also, some people question if Homer was actually a singular person or a group of authors. Since there is discrepancies in his life and work, I clicked on Homeric Questions. This is a page that explains some of the potential questions that surround his two famous epics. Below are some of the questions:

  •        “Who is Homer”
  •        “Are the Iliad and Odyssey of multiple or single authorship?”

This is interesting because I always thought it was known that Homer was a single man. I am going to continue research into his life. 

Wikipedia: Homer

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