Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Reading Notes Part B: Life of Buddha

Below is a continuation of my reading of the Life of Buddha:
  • Mara, the villain, was defeated by the Earth and Siddhartha. The hero now becomes a Buddha and understands the root of all death and suffering. I like how this ended with him becoming the Buddha and his reasoning behind all of men’s sufferings. 

  • Image result for siddhartha and the tree of knowledge
    • It starts off with Siddhartha leaving his father and kingdom behind. I could write a story where a young person leaves their family and home in order to explore the world.
    • Siddhartha is becoming a hermit so he can defeat old age and death. He gives his robes to a hunter and takes his old ragged clothes. It would be interesting to write a story where the hunter that received his clothes gets supernatural powers since Siddhartha wore them.
    • Siddhartha shows great resolve and dedication to figure out his goal in life. It is interesting though that he changes his mind and starts eating more. I wonder if this will affect his journey negatively or positively. I could write a story where someone goes against the common people and actually discovers what they had been wanting to figure out all along.
    The Life of Buddha. Written by Andre Ferdinand Herold. 1922. 

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