Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Introduction to a Future Petroleum Engineer

            Hello my name is Trevor Eckard. I am originally from Boerne, Texas near San Antonio, however, in high school I moved to Lucas, Texas just north of Dallas. I am currently a senior Petroleum Engineer (PE) and plan on graduating Spring 2017. The coolest thing about being a PE is the many opportunities to travel and experience new locations. You can either stay in the United States, go offshore, or even go out of the country to European or South American countries. The past summers I have had an internship with Denbury Resources in both Houston and Plano Texas. Both were extremely great opportunities that I thoroughly enjoyed. 

           One of my favorite things to do is to travel. Some of my favorite locations I have been is Costa Rica, Germany, San Francisco, and Montana. I have a few places that are on  my bucket list that include Lake Louise, Australia, and to ski the Swiss Alps. I hope I can see these places very soon. If there are any other suggestions please let me know!
                                                            View in Domincal, Costa Rica               

             My favorite book series is the Vince Flynn series about Mitch Rapp, a young aspiring CIA agent and his life after becoming one of the top agents. It is a great series that includes historically correct events with entertaining stories about Rapp’s adventures. Also, I am a huge movie person, with my favorite movie being Shawshank Redemption. Other favorites include the Batman movie series, Hell or High Water, and The Prestige. I am usually up for any movie and am always looking to watch new ones! Going along with the movie scene, my favorite snack food is popcorn by far. I definitely love going to the movie theater just get popcorn with jalepenos (trust me it’s good).

My hobbies include cooking, poker, and playing sports (specifically basketball and golf). I enjoy playing and watching almost any sport though and know plenty of useless sports trivia. My only sports team I really root for is the Spurs though (I am going to miss Tim Duncan!).  
Ruger and I
          Also, I am a huge dog person and finally decided to get a golden retriever puppy this past summer. His name is Ruger and is currently 7 months old. He is a great dog that loves playing fetch (sometimes...) and sleeping!

Ruger actually playing fetch in the creek

It is nice to meet everyone!                     



  1. Hey Trevor! It's nice to meet a fellow engineer! It's amazing all the places you have been! I've always wanted to go to Germany!
    Popcorn with jalapenos? That doesn't seem to enticing...I may have to try it though!
    Your dog is so adorable! I LOVE golden retrievers! They make are the best company and so loyal!
    Congratulations on graduating this spring!

  2. Hey Trevor, It’s great to see another Petroleum Engineering student here! I am glad you got called back for your internship, Congrats! I have a couple of friends from Costa Rica and they’ve always told me how beautiful it is, definitely would love to go visit there someday! I enjoy playing basketball at the huff too, but a Lakers fan! I feel for Duncan as much as Kobe they both retired as some of the greatest to ever play the game! I hope the Spurs reach the finals in the West, anyone but Durant!! Golden retrievers are amazing dogs, that's a very cute puppy! I bet he is a handful and needs 30 rounds of fetch a day! Good luck in your last semester!

  3. Hey Trevor, I was Architectural Engineering when I first came to OU, but we all know how that goes... I'm glad you hung in there man! I have a buddy who graduated last year with a PE degree and he's making bank, so I'd say your future is looking bright! I like to travel too. I've been on multiple road trips with my fiancé to both coasts and I've been to Brisbane, Australia for cross country back in high school. No doubt you'll love Australia, I'd live there if I was in a different stage of my life. I can see that we have different genres of interest when it comes to movies, however, I also enjoy the popcorn at the movies. Have a great semester man!

  4. Trevor,
    That is awesome that you will be graduating this Spring with a PE degree! I think you have such great opportunities that lie ahead of you. I am so jealous you have been to Costa Rica, I have always wanted to go there and explore. I as well would like to travel more after college. Your dog is really cute as well. I am a huge dog lover and my mom won't let me bring mine to school because she says I won't have time for it. Not a huge Spurs fan... Go Mavs!

  5. I would kill to go to Germany! If you ever get the chance to visit Ireland, also, you should go. Dublin is such an amazing old city and the countryside is beautiful.

    Which Batman movies do you like? I liked Nolan’s trilogy and some of the animated movies based on the old Batman cartoon from the 90s. DC is definitely going a different direction, but even back in the 90s what they did was so quality.

    Nice to meet you too!

  6. Hey Trevor, nice to meet you. Movie theatre popcorn is my favorite too! As weird as the popcorn and jalapeno combination sounds, it actually also sounds pretty appetizing too. I'll have to try it sometime. Your dog looks like he's awesome! I want to get a dog one day, but I've never been able to because unfortunately I'm extremely allergic to them. I know there's allergy treatments that make you less sensitive to allergens so I wouldn't be opposed to that if it meant I could have a dog in the future. It's cool how you're a huge Timmy D fan. I'm a hardcore Kobe Bryant/Lakers fan so I can understand the pain of seeing your favorite player retire after a hell of a career. Good luck with your petroleum engineering!

  7. I am a huge dog person as well, and your dog is so precious! A golden retriever is my dream dog, and I really hope one day I can get one. I am so jealous of your traveling ventures. I have only been around the U.S., and I haven't even really explored most of where I've been (or I was too young to be able to do so). Congrats on graduating! I also graduate in May, and I am beyond ecstatic to be finished.

  8. Hi, Trevor! Your dog Ruger is absolutely adorable and I loved the pictures you posted! He seems like so much fun and you're actually inspiring me to get my own dog as well... It's really cool that you're a PE major because I know that's a very tough degree track, especially here at OU, and you will certainly do well in your future professional career. I also want to visit the Swiss Alps (that and the Northern Lights are on my bucket list) so I really hope you get to do that! That sounds like an amazing trip. I am jealous of your cooking skills and sports knowledge- you are well-rounded and multi-talented. I hope you've had a great start to your semester!

  9. Oh my, your puppy is so precious! Petroleum engineering sounds super difficult, so that is awesome that that is your career path. I also think it would be awesome to see the Swiss Alps but maybe not ski them (I am pretty bad at skiing). I am jealous that you have been to Germany. that is on my bucket list. I hope the rest of your semester goes well!

  10. Hi Trevor!
    It’s very nice to meet you.
    You seem like you have a great future ahead of you – petroleum engineering is a really tough major. I also have a passion for travel so it’s cool to see people our age that share in that same passion.
    Your puppy is absolutely adorable and I wish I could reach through that picture and pet Ruger!
    Looking forward to a great semester,

  11. Hi Trevor,
    I love traveling too! I mean… who doesn’t haha. Not sure how I feel about this popcorn and jalapeno combination you speak of though. The classic buttery popcorn on its own cannot be beat. Your puppy, Ruger, is so adorable and looks so friendly! Good luck on your future endeavors after graduation; hope you get to travel and experience the world!

  12. Hey Trevor,
    I also have a really huge travel bucket list! My top place to visit is Scotland, and if all goes well I will be checking that one off by the end of this summer! I also dream of going to Tokyo and Hawaii! I am a huge dog person as well! Unfortunately my parents aren’t, so I am going to have to wait until I graduate college before I’ll have be able to get one.

  13. Hey Trevor,
    That view from Costa Rica is easily one of the greatest ones I've seen! That really makes me want to go there. Having the Spurs as your main team to root for isn't too bad! They are great and Kawhi is an incredible athlete. I also love to play golf. My roommate is actually on the OU collegiate team, so I get pretty jealous when he talks about their tournaments in Hawaii, California, Puerto Rico, etc. Good luck this semester!

  14. Hi Trevor! Your dog is super cute! I really want to get one some day. One of my aunts actually lives in Boerne! I went to visit her this summer, and it was a really nice place.
    I have always wanted to go to San Francisco! I have gone to Switzerland however, and it is super gorgeous. Although I'm not into skiing, I rode a tram up a mountain, and we ate fondue at the top. It was really cool.
    I am also graduating in May, and I'm so ready to be done and start a new adventure.

  15. Hi Trevor! Very nice to meet you! I'm also graduating this Spring and I am so so ready to be done with school. I, like you, also have the travel bug. My major is International Studies, so I'm hoping to find a job that gets me out of the country eventually, too. I think it's awesome that you want to look at careers out of the United States. Happy blogging!

  16. Hi Trevor! First of all, your dog is absolutely adorable! I have a Yorkie, but if I ever get another dog I want a golden retriever. I can relate to your love for traveling, although I have never been out of the United States. My goal this summer is to travel to Costa Rica and/Europe. I am from Allen, which isn't too far from Lucas. Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  17. I love to travel too and love basically all animals! I have 2 dogs and 4 cats. Plus one of our dogs and our chinchilla recently passed away. =( I also have a bird. So, I guess we have quite a bit in common in those two areas. I got to go to Germany once too but I didn’t get to leave the airport, so I don’t really believe that it counts. Haha. Hopefully I can go back someday. I’m pretty jealous that you’ve been to Costa Rica. I’m really hoping to be in a place where I can live in Costa Rica for a month or so next summer to help improve my Spanish skills. You should definitely visit the colosseum and the ruins in Europe if the opportunity every comes it. It’s an absolutely incredible experience!!

  18. Trevor, congratulations you’re almost done!

    I love your puppy! He is so cute. I have a shih-tzu and he’s about a year old now, but I’m sure Ruger is already bigger than him. He’s only 8 pounds. I think that’s awesome that you love to travel! I want to to travel too, I’ve never left the U.S. Well, I went to Canada when I was four, but I don’t count it.

    I would definitely add Thailand to your list of places to go! I’ve obviously never been, but I heard it’s beautiful and extremely cheap, so that’s a plus.

    Best of luck the rest of the semester!

  19. Hi Trevor!! It's a pleasure to meet you! Petroleum Engineering seems tough, well any engineering. The majority of my friends/family are engineers, so I'm learning small things here and there about it and understanding what it's all about.
    That's awesome that you've gotten to travel to those places! I love to travel as well! Though the funds may not permit me to currently, I hope to travel around once I've graduated. There's too much to see and experience!
    I love your pup! He is too precious!
    As far as movies go, I have yet to see the ones that you've named off. I heard Hell or High Water was good and can't wait to see it! The Prestige, I've seen before, but I was young and apparently wasn't paying attention because it was super confusing. I will definitely have to re-watch it because I love Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale!
    Good luck this semester and after graduating! Congrats!

  20. Awww, cute puppy. Sorry, had to get that out of the way. Its great to meet you Trevor. You sound like a great person to hang out with. Just one question. Did you travel because of work/intern reason or because you just wanted to? I think its great that you have been able to go to so many different locals. Also, EWWW popcorn is nasty..but I guess someone was bound to like it.

  21. Trevor! Oh my goodness your dog is adorable. I have a very serious love for golden retrievers so I'm already pretty obsessed with your dog. Thanks for including pictures! I have a pup too and I think they're the greatest and that everyone should have one. They just make everything so much better! I also love traveling too, and think it's great that you've got such a good traveling bucket list! My dad loves those Vince Flynn books too!

  22. Hello! Your dog is the cutest! I am also graduating this May. It is hard to believe how close we are, but I have to admit I am so ready. That is cool you love to travel! Out of your list I have only been to Montana, and I can definitely understand why it is on your list of favorites. Have a great rest of the semester!
