Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Famous Last Words: Cruising and Final Post

This is actually my last Famous Last words because this is my final post. I have finally reached 410 points!

In this course I actually really enjoyed reading the Myths and Legends of Sioux Indians. This is a culture that I feel I do not know a ton about so it was nice to finally get some tales from them. My favorite tall was of the Rabbit and the Bear. I felt that it had a great moral that some people missed in that sometimes it is not good to destroy something that so many people need. My favorite writing of this week had to be my story planning for next week. I feel that combining the stories form this week along with my reading notes from Beowulf will make for a very interesting story.

In my other courses, I have actually been doing pretty well. I just received one of my grades back for a very difficult exam. I actually did really well a received an A. I was so pumped that I treated myself with the best fast food out there: Taco Bell. My other courses have picked up too but since I am done with this course, I will have a lot more free time to study for those courses. I am just really excited to finally be graduating!

Outside of class has been great too. I had my interview before Spring Break and I felt that I did a great job on it. I should hear back soon so I am super anxious. Also, I was able to go on a trip with my friends over Spring Break. We ended up going on a 7 day cruise to Mexico, Belize, and Honduras. All were great places to visit and I highly recommend going. It was a blast but quite exhausting. Overall, it has been a great last few weeks!

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Roatan, Honduras

Week 9 Review

This week has been very good and successful. I am actually two points away so I am excited. This is a really fun game if you are familiar with Game of Thrones. A common theme is that a lot of the characters (not all of course) die throughout the show. Enjoy!

Daily Announcements

Tech Tip: Embed YouTube Video

This week I learned how to embed a YouTube video into my blog. I chose a video from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is my favorite show so enjoy!

Extra Reading Notes: Sioux

Below is a continuation of my reading notes from the Myths and Legends of the Sioux Indians:

  • I like how the first story had a moral theme. I felt that the Unktomi was a very greedy individual that was never satisfied. He ultimately faced his fate my wanting more and sinking to the bottom of the lake.
  • These stories are somewhat grim. I usually try and write happy stories so it may be a nice change-up to write a negative story.
  • I feel that Unktomi is extremely vicious for killing the widows. He seems like a great villain to include in one of my stories.
  • I thought the story where the arrowheads caused the boy to try and kill the Unktomi was unique. It shows that sometimes being nice will work out in your favor. I wonder just how scared they are of the Unktomi Tanka though.
  • I do find it cool how they animals and insects act like humans. I think it would be interesting to write a story where an insect is tricking the entire town because he/she is doing human-like things.
  • I really like the stories that have the moral teachings of people being greedy or selfish. I think it is a theme that would make for a great story.
  • Overall, I felt that these stories were great indications of the Sioux culture. 
Myths and Legends of the Sioux. Written by Marie McLaughlin. 1916.

Wikipedia Trail: From Sioux to Lake-Effect-Snow

Fort Chipewyan
I started the Wikipedia Trail on the Sioux Indians since that is what I read this week. I learned that the Sioux were divided into three language divisions: Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota. The Dakota division were actually involved with the French in the North American fur trade in the late 17th century.  The fur trade had a fierce competition between the British and the French. The Iroquois were caught in the middle of this fierce battle and ended up migrating to the GreatLakes. The Great Lakes consist of multiple bodies of water that actually possesses close to 20% of the world’s fresh water. Since they are so large, they have impacts on the regional weather in this area. The phenomena is called the Lake-Effect snow. This is where cold air masses move across the warm bodies of water, causing a snow storm. 

Learning Challenge: Reading

Reading is one of the strongest tools a person can have in order to gain knowledge. I think this meme is a great indication of just how important reading is to a person's intelligence. It really does damage ignorance because it is a gift that keeps on giving. There are so many books out there that you will never read. Therefore, it is important to start reading now and "damage" your ignorance.  

H.E.A.R.T. Blog

Growth Mindset

I chose this meme because first off, the rubber ball looks like a sea urchin. I just snorkeled in Roatan Honduras so it brought back memories. In terms of growth mindset, I find it extremely accurate. I find that in order to truly learn something you need 100% focus on that topic. If not, you will never gain knowledge that is necessary to be successful in life.
Growth Mindset Blog

Week 9 Tech Tip: Cheezburger Memes

Caption this picture

This week I made a meme on cheezburger. My Spring Break consisted of sitting at the beach so I thought this fit!

Week 9 Story Planning

Reading Notes
In the story I read this week, The Myths and Legends of the Sioux, a rabbit tricks some grouse into a bag to take to his grandmother. Furthermore, the Sioux stories always possessed an interaction between an animal and a human. I would like to include this into my story. Additionally, I read the past week Beowulf where Grendel, the villain, kills the villagers. A major theme I want to play off of is the trickery and the villain preying on villagers.

My Story/Plot
In my story, I would to have a group of bears be the villains in my story. They will have the power to transform their bodies into anyone they see. Therefore, they will trick a group of villagers into following them back into the lair where they reside. There, they will kidnap the villagers and hold them hostage to be fattened to be feasted on. Since they do not want to cause any panic in the town, the bears will transform themselves into the villagers and go about the normal days of the cities. One of the bears will get greedy though, and compromise all of the bears hiding in the village. There will be a falling out with all of the villagers and the bears. I have not yet decided which perspective I would like to write in. I actually plan on making the bears the main characters and from their perspective.

 Blackfoot: This will be the main bear of the group. He will be very strong and wise. He will be the one who designs the entire process of kidnapping and posing as the villagers.

Nokosi: This will be the youngest bear of the group of three. She is extremely intelligent and respects Blackfoot significantly. She will be the one who resolves the conflict between the bears and the villagers: either by fighting or by compromise.

Hopi: He will be the strongest bear of the group. He thinks he should be in charge despite his lack of intelligence. He will be the one who will try and take more villagers than there are bears. This will cause the town to figure everything out and will cause the main conflict.

Awan: The leader of the village. He will be in charge of creating a plan to defeat the bears that are tormenting the village.

The Kidnapped Villagers: These people will play small roles for they will only be included when they are tricked into going into the lair. There will also be random villagers in the end of the story during the conflict. 
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Myths andLegends of the Sioux by Marie McLaughlin (1916).

Trevor's Portfolio

I chose the Portfolio option because of the potential to write a multitude of different stories with different characters each week. I hope you enjoy my stories!

The Root of All Evil

Above is a link to my first Portfolio story. This story specifically focuses on the short story of how Buddha became who he is known for today. I added a modern twist of a lawyer figuring out what he is actually doing with his life. I hope you enjoy my changes to the original story!

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Above is a link to my second Portfolio story. This story involves the beginning of an epic long journey by the merchant and sailor Aarav Delfino. This story is filled with ship wrecks, giant creatures, and trickery! My story is loosely based off of the original story of Sinbad. Hope you enjoy!
Image result for sinbad voyage of the seven seas
A Dog's Immortality
Above is a link to my third story for my Portfolio. This story is a play off of the original story of The Monkey King. The original story focused on stone ape's struggle with becoming immortal. My story focuses on the modern world where a newly adopted dog wants a similar thing... To become a good boy.  Hope you enjoy!

Image result for bernese mountain dog

Reading Notes Part A: Sioux Stories

This week I chose to read the Sioux stories. Below are my reading notes:

  • I like the introduction of a rabbit communicating with a group of girls. I think having an interaction between animals and humans creates a great story. Additionally, I could include a story where the rabbit, or some other creature, tricks a group of humans into following. They would then be hurt or kidnapped.
  • I thought the story of the rabbit and the bear was very unique since half of the bear was made of flint. I could make it to where a powerful being is king/queen because they are made of a specific resource and a group of people try and overthrow them.
  • I think writing a story where an animal escapes and becomes a part of a human clan would be interesting. It would take a different approach than the original story.
  • My favorite story was A Little Brave and the Medicine Woman. I felt that it involved a lot of humor because of Brave dressing up in mud like a dead person. I definitely can see a little boy doing this.
  • I like reading these stories because they include dialogue from the native tongue and not just English. It makes the stories more unique and fun.
  • I find it awesome how a lot of these stories have morals that are similar to the other cultures we have read in this class.
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Indian Woman and the Wolves

Myths and Legends of The Sioux. Marie McLaughlin. 1916. 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Week 8 Review

I actually was able to jump ahead and do week 8 already. I have a really busy week and I am going on a cruise so I wanted to get it done! (I thought this image was pretty funny too) 
Daily Announcements

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Extra Reading: The Story of Beowulf

This week I chose to read Beowulf. Below are my reading notes:
  • I find it interesting that the King of Hygelac does not wage war against the strange inhabitants unless they go into more densely populated areas. I would definitely want to move closer to town.  I could write a story where a farmer is killed and the creature sneaks into town acting as the farmer.
  • I always like stories with a main hero. I like how they included the backstory of the great Beowulf. I could write a story where someone pretends to be a great hero but in reality they are a fraud.
  • I like how this author introduced the dreaded Grendel in a song. I could incorporate a story where the villain is a nasty creature who is almost impossible to defeat. However, a young woman is actually the hero because she softens the creature up and talks him out of killing everyone.
  • I am excited to see Beowulf fight this Grendel. I wonder who will win. I am sure that Beowulf will but I may write a story where it is from the perspective of the creature. It could make for an interesting twist.
  • I wonder if Grendel will make an appearance into the hall as they celebrate Beowulf coming. I am sure that it will not be easy if Beowulf does indeed defeat this creature.
  • I like how the Unerth questioned Beowulf. I always feel that stories move past the logistics of some random person coming and saying they can do something. This will provide Beowulf with the fire to defeat Grendel.
  • It would make for a good story to have my hero tell stories in first person in order to prove that he is qualified. This could really make a story be more interesting to have it written in terms of the main hero.

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The Story of Beowulf. Written by Strafford Riggs. 1933.

Wikipedia Trail: From Sir Lancelot to the Holy Grail

I started this week’s Wikipedia Trail on Sir Lancelot from the Twitter page. He is a fictionally character that is one of the best swordsman and jousters during the time period. He is a part of the Knights ofthe Round Table so I ended up clicking on that next. I found out that this is a table that indicates equality among the men associated with King Arthur’s court. It was first developed by Wace all the way back in 1155. I actually ended up going to King Arthur’s page next. His existence is actually up to debate which I find very strange. However, he was actually one of the close companions to Lancelot and they were first put together when Chretien de Troyes introduced the Holy Grail. Therefore, I clicked on the Holy Grail next. The finding of the Holy Grail gives the discoverer eternal happiness and life. The Holy Grail is a commonly written about item because of its uniqueness. 
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.jpg
Wikipedia: Knights of the Round Table

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Tales of Aarav Delfino

On a rainy night near the Port of Basrah a weary old man limped down the street into a tavern. He walked into the tavern that was full of clicking tankards, loud music, and the usual chatter of a hundred drunk men and women. As he walked in, it was evident he did not fit into this young crowd. He took a seat next to a scrawny fellow who couldn’t be older than a fourth of his age. The fellow was dressed in a thawb that reeked of fish and the salt from the sea. The young man was sipping on his newly poured arak when the old man finally spoke.

“Ah, I can tell that you belong to the sea, my friend. When do you set sail next?”

“Tomorrow. I just got back from my first trip but I need the money. My wife just gave birth to my beautiful daughter.”

“Well, a working man is the best kind of man. To get your mind off of leaving your daughter, I’ll tell you a story. Have you ever heard of Aarav Delfino and his voyages across the Indian Ocean?” The old man replied with a certain level of eagerness in his voice.

“No, sir, I have not. Would you care to enlighten me? I could really use something to get my mind off of setting sail tomorrow.”

The old man cleared his throat and told the story of the great Aarav Delfino…

When Aarav was about your age, he began an epic journey to Jakarta to trade cloths and pieces of art from his hometown. Now Aarav was quite the barterer and had already taken many of these trips before. He always came back home with a pocketful of sequins and this trip should be no different. However, he couldn’t have been any more wrong.

He set sail on his beautiful ship with a dozen hands that would reap only a small fraction of his spoils. The crew was sailing the sea just off the coast of Sri Lanka when a horrible storm rolled in. The clouds were as dark as a moonless night, only to be lit up by the sharp lightning strikes up above. As the wind swirled, the ship began to sink. Aarav, being the most agile of the crew, jumped off the ship first just in time before the sea engulfed the ship and all of his crew.

Aarav swam for what seemed like forever when he finally reached the shore of a lush island that he had not seen before. He quickly dried off his clothes and put down his large sword. From pure exhaustion he collapsed into an area that was full of fallen palm fronds. He closed his eyes and slept through the night.

As the morning sun rolled over the horizon, Aarav opened his eyes. His vision slowly cleared when in front of him he saw a gigantic egg. From tales of other sailors, he knew exactly what he had come across. It belonged to the 20-foot-long snake called a moccra. These moccras were extremely aggressive and protective when anyone or thing got near their young. Aarav needed to come up with a plan immediately or he would have to fight off this magnificent serpent. If he fought, he would not win.

He was always quick on his feet, so he developed a plan immediately. What he would do was carefully break into the gigantic egg and hide where the young serpent was residing. He would put the egg shell back together and wait for the mother moccra to return.
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Portrayal of the moccra

Aarav was waiting in this warm, damp egg when he heard a slow hiss getting closer and closer. He peeked through the cracked egg and saw the giant black and yellow moccra slithering to its young. The moccra curled up next to the egg for it did not know Aarav was hiding there. As the hissing slowed and the moccra fell asleep, Aarav began to act. Jumping out of the egg, he swung his sword into the neck of the mother. A large squeal followed the attack and then complete silence. Aarav had defeated this beast with ease.

The first thing he did was cut off the fangs of this snake for he knew they would easily sell for a thousand sequins each. He then went into survival mode and cleaned the serpent of her meat. He developed a meal plan to survive for however long it took until he found help. What he did not know was that no one was looking for him. He was all by himself.

To be continued...

Author’s Note: I read the Seven Voyages of Sinbad and developed my story on this topic. I wanted to incorporate the storytelling aspect of the original story. Therefore, I made the old man be the storyteller. I think this places a crucial part in allowing the reader to connect with the narrator. In addition, it allows the reader to decide for themselves whether the stories are real, exaggerated, or simply made up.One of the things that I enjoyed when reading these tales were Sinbad’s intelligence and his business-first mind. Therefore, I let Aarav possess both of these traits in order to be successful in his long journey home after his ship was wrecked. In addition, I wanted to include an epic journey where Aarav would face a giant creature. In the original Sinbad, he ran into a giant bird called a roc. This animal shows up multiple times throughout the original story. I did not want to use the same animal as the original so I developed a new animal called a moccra (snake). I plan to include more voyages of his in upcoming stories. After defeating the animals and other obstacles, Sinbad usually makes it back home with ease. In my story, I wanted to make it to where he does not get home as quickly. Therefore, he will have to overcome a multitude of obstacles in order to make it back home safely. 

The Arabian Nights' Entertainments. Written by Andrew Lang and Illustrated by H.J. Ford. 1898.  

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Learning Challenge: Reading

I can definitely relate to this image. I am always finding new books to read but I just simply do not have time to read them. I wish I could just stop time and focus on reading all of the books I want to. This would really help me with relaxation!
H.E.A.R.T. Blog

Growth Mindset

I thought this was a great representation of how I feel this week. I got some "constructive" criticism from my Capstone professor. I had to take it to heart and work on all the negatives that he discussed. Overall, feedback really gives people the motivation to try harder and get better.

Growth Mindset Blog

Tech Tip: Canvas Notifications

I actually have not set up my notificiations for Canvas. I had used them for D2L and I loved it. This was a great way for me to actually take the time and set it up! I usually just set up the notifications for important assignments and any announcement made by my professors.
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Growth Mindset: Self Reflection

One thing I will take from this course is that all feedback does not need to be positive. I have always been nervous to hear negative things about my schooling, athletics, and work, but I now understand that it is extremely beneficial. If all people do is tell you positives, you will never truly get better at things you are average at. For example, I have always been bad at public speaking because I get extremely nervous. This past semester I had a 30 minute technical presentation for my internship. I presented in front of almost 75 engineers and geologists and received some negative feedback (along with positive of course). I really had to take this to heart and realize they were not doing this to make fun of me, but simply to help me in my future career. This is similar to the comments I get on my work in this course. If it is negative, take it and run with it. Change what people are seeing is negative and become better.

Also, I will overcome things that I am not actually good at. I am not the best writer, but this course had really helped me progress into being able to write stories and become more creative. Overall, this course was excellent in allowing for me to come out of my shell.
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Speaking in Public

Class Reflections: Week 8

Overall, my favorite readings this semester were definitely both of Homer’s Epics. If I had to choose one though, I would have to go with Homer’s Odyssey. I really enjoyed connecting all of the Gods to the mortals, along with gaining a better understanding of the story. I had actually read this in high school, but I definitely learned more this time around because I looked up everything I did not know.

My favorite writing this semester is actually the first story in my Portfolio. It was one of the first stories I actually liked reading again this semester. Writing has always been my weakest link compared to Sciences and Math so I am glad I am taking this course. It is really making me step out of my comfort zone and I feel I am a better writer for it.

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Writing a Story
In terms of project, I am glad that I switched from a Storybook to a Portfolio. I felt that I do not do well writing a couple of stories that go together. Therefore, being able to write a bunch of different stories with different characters and endings really made more sense to me. I am looking forward to adding more stories to my Portfolio. 

Week 7 Review

I could relate to this image because this past week I have actually tried to do this! My girlfriend got me a Fitbit for my birthday so I have been tracking my sleep. Solid 6 hours on average this past week... Overall though, great week in this course and other courses!
Daily Announcements

Famous Last Words

In this Course
This week has actually been really good because I was able to finish most of it pretty early on. I had two favorite things this week in this course. First, I actually really liked reading Brer Rabbit. The unique style of writing really brought me into the culture of the Deep South Gullah. It was difficult at first, but I got the hang of it and enjoyed all of the morals of the stories. Second, I actually liked how my story turned out. I really planned hard for my writing the past week so it worked out quite nicely. I am looking forward to hearing some feedback so I can revise it a little bit! I am actually at 320 points right now in this course so I hope I can continue at this pace.

Other Course
My other courses have really picked up. This week I have a technical report due for my Capstone course. My group and I have been working on it pretty much all day every day since last Friday. It is worth 20% of our final grade so I hope we do well on it! I also have an exam next week in my Surface Production course. I did okay on my first exam so I hope I can keep it up for the next one. Also, I just finished my online government course so I am pretty stoked about that!

Outside of Class

I am actually pretty nervous because next week I will be flying to Houston for an interview. It is for a private midstream company so I am really excited and hopeful I can get it. I will definitely be studying and preparing for it all weekend. All I know is I cannot wait for March 12th when a bunch of my friends and I make our way to New Orleans in order to go on our 7 day cruise! It can’t come earlier!
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A Dog's Immortality

Hi everyone! My name is Sunny. I am a 13 year old Bernese mountain dog. I am about to tell you the story about my unique journey to becoming immortal…

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Bernese Mountain Dog

I let out a large yawn as the door to the room slammed shut. It took a while to adjust to the darkness inside this new home of mine, but the lights from the Christmas tree in the corner helped out. I was the new to this shelter and was anxious to know what the local dogs would think of me. As I was about to lay down when a low bellowing voice from the kennel across the room spoke out.

“Hey newbie! Names Sasha. What’s yours?” The shape of a beautiful border collie appeared before my eyes. His eyes were sunken and he looked quite old.

“Uhm, the name is Sunny.”

“Well, Sunny. I see you’re quite young compared to all the locals. I am sure that you will get adopted pretty quickly with that smile of yours. I do have one question though since you won’t be around long and I don’t want you to suffer the same fate as me being in here. Have you ever heard of immortality?”

“No, I am afraid not.” I returned an answer to this strange question.

“Well you see, once you are adopted you can gain immortality. All you have to do is a simple task in order to gain this magical gift.” Sasha’s voice slowed down and hung on the last few words
“What is the task!?” I yearned for immortality because I simply feared death. I mean, who doesn’t?

“It’s simple… Become a good boy.” With those words, Sasha laid down and fell asleep.
The next morning was a complete blur. I was contemplating what Sasha had mentioned the night before but kept getting distracted from the humans walking around. As dogs next to me got adopted left and right, I finally gave up and laid down to rest. I can’t believe how some of these dogs last in here for months. I wanted out… Now!

Just as all hope was lost, a young man and woman walked up to my kennel. A few good scratches and licks later, I was in their car with my head out the window. I was well on my way to becoming a good boy for my humans.

The car finally came to a stop and I sat in my seat waiting patiently to not get in trouble. I mean, my first impression had to be good so I can become immortal. All of a sudden, a smell caught my nose. I resisted and resisted but my oh my that smell! It smelled like heaven. As my new owners opened the door, I couldn’t take it any longer…

I jolted as quickly as I could and was on the trail of this delicious smell with my new humans following right behind. When I arrived at the end of the smelling trail, I saw what it was. It was the most delicious looking prime rib I had ever seen. I stuck my tongue out to lick it but I remembered that I needed to be a good boy.

Image result for christmas prime rib
Prime Rib
I couldn’t help it though. I mean this prime rib looked amazing! So before my humans got to me I gobbled up about half of the prime rib. I was ashamed… I couldn’t even resist this my FIRST day with my humans. I felt my tail go between my legs and I slowly walked to the corner. 
As soon my new humans reached me, I heard the anger in their voices. I knew I was in trouble. I mentally prepared for my punishment when all of a sudden the young woman got on her knees and spoke to me.

“Aw hun. Our pup must be starving! They must not be feeding him anything in that kennel. Let me cut off some more for him and we can all celebrate our Christmas Eve dinner together.”
As she put some into my bowl, I heard her say those magical words.

“Here’s your food Sunny. You are such a good boy!” My face lit up with excitement. I was well on my way to becoming immortal and happy forever!
Now as I sit here 11 years later breathing heavy, looking into the eyes of my humans I love so much, I finally understood what Sasha meant. Being a good boy did not actually mean immortality. What it meant was having the best possible life and getting to spend every second of it with MY humans. I mean hey, that feels like immortality to me…

Author’s Note: This reading is based off of me reading The Monkey King. The stone ape in this story tries to become immortal but constantly suffers from not being civilized enough. I wanted to play off of this and have my main character be a dog who couldn’t resist simply being a dog. The stone ape eventually gains immorality, but he never really became civilized. Therefore, I had Sunny do something as easy as becoming a good boy and gaining not immortality, but a great life with his humans. I felt that having a dog live forever would have been unrealistic, therefore, I decided to be more grounded in my story. In contrast to the original story, I made Sunny happier and not so stuck on himself. I felt the original stone ape solely wanted immortality for himself, however, by the end of my story I wanted the reader to understand why Sunny wanted it. He simply wanted to live forever with his humans.
In terms of characters, symbols, and the setting, I tried to keep some portions similar to the original while I changed others. The prime rib represented The Peaches of Immortality that the stone ape ate without permission. Additionally, Sasha was the great Master that the stone ape heard of immortality from. Finally, I wanted it to be set in the modern world for the reader to be able to connect better with the story. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Extra Reading: Milo Winter's Aesop Fables

I chose to read Aesops Fables by Milo Winter this week for my extra reading. I just read Brer Rabbit so I felt this sort of connected with animals having moral stories:
  • I think the first story really speaks to what people face on a normal day-to-day basis. People get distracted from what they want to do because other people have other plans. It is best to stick with what you are doing and do it 100%.
  • Even though it was one of the shortest stories, I really liked the story about the little boy and the filberts (I had to look that one up). The moral to me is that sometimes only you can help yourself. Spending time on someone who won’t help themselves are be smart about it only wastes your time. This corresponds to the donkey falling over the edge because he will not listen.
  • I thought the gnat story was great because it shows that sometimes you aren’t as important as you think you are. Stay humble. I think I may try and tie this into my story this week.
  • All of these stories are so short but they represent such deep moral teachings. I may try and write a bunch of smaller stories that remind the reader of certain lessons.
  • I really like the story about the boar and the fox because it is really important to always be prepared. I could write a story where two people are preparing for a race and one is preparing while the other isn’t. The one who is prepared and ready wins while the other one cannot even finish the race.
  • I feel the Lion is always getting made fun of. I think this is because everyone is out to get him since he is King.
  • I related to the Dog and His Master’s Dinner because my dog always wants my food! Sometimes temptation is one of the hardest things to overcome. It is crucial to have a good group of friends who really look out for your best interest.

The Aesop for Children. Written by Milo Winter. 1919.

Aesop's Fables

Learning Challenge: Happiness

I really think that this is a great idea! Knowing me I will not keep up with a singular jar for an entire year but I think this could really help me stay happy. I will try and remember something from everyday that allows me to continually stay happy. Sometimes, like anyone else, I find myself being moody. I know no one likes moody people, therefore, if I try and think of happy memories all the time I will always be fun to be around.
H.E.A.R.T. Blog

Growth Mindset

I thought this really caught my attention because I am senior now and will no longer be attending school (except for my MBA hopefully). Although I will no longer be taking exams, I will continuously learn new information and I hope that I will never stop learning. 

Plus I thought the cat was cute! If I get a cat I want an orange one similar to this cat.
Growth Mindset Blog

Wikipedia Trail: From Brer Rabbit to Abraham Lincoln

I started my Wikipedia Trail on Brer Rabbit since I ended up reading this story this week. Brer Rabbit is considered a trickster hero who has foes of Brer Fox and Brer Wolf. My favorite story I read was of Tar-Baby where he is almost tricked into getting stuck onto a Tar-Baby by Brer Fox. He was created by Joel Chandler Harris so I went to his page next. Harris was a journalist and fiction writer during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. One of the most influential pieces to him writing these stories was Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This book was written in 1852 and focused on the typical stereotypes African Americans faced in pre-Civil War America. Next, I chose AbrahamLincoln because I find him to be one of my favorite presidents. He was born in Kentucky in 1809 and passed in 1865 as the 16th president.
Middle aged clean shaven Lincoln from the hips up.
Wikipedia: Young Abraham Lincoln

Tech Tip: Weather Gadget

Hey everyone I decided to do my Tech Tip on displaying Norman weather on my sidebar. I feel it will be useful to have in order to check the weather if I am working on this course! Go here if you want to include your own:

Weather Sidebar Tech Tip
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